A Google user
If you got a hard on for Jesus, then sure, I can see how one identifies with it, but it essentially says that life outside of the great white American Christian dream, lies only drug addicted rage and senseless irresponsibly, or South African atrocities such as war, torture and starvation. I get this guy owes much to his faith and that's awesome, but the whole time it seemed like it pretty much said "believe in Christ or suffer as these people have." This movie is for Christians, fair warning.
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Maureen Dattolie / O'Keefe
Inspiring. The truth rips at your heart. I wouldn't want my daughter to live like this, in truth I hate the fact that because of adults who's thinking is twisted have forced these innocent children to become killers. And how can you expect them to be normal after. It causes adults to have post tramativ syndrome.

A Google user
All that is needed for evil men to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Your pacifist attitude is all well and good but the difference is in who they are killing. If you had the chance to save millions by killing Hitler would you do it or is 'killing still killing'. The fact is that sometimes killing is necessary, for the greater good. We as a species need to realize this. If evil men are the only ones willing to kill then eventually they will be all that's left. Wake up son.
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