Andrew Tilles
I was somewhat disappointed in this film given all the accolades. I understand the drama with forbidden or "star-crossed" love and how that leads to pathos and sympathy for the characters and all that. But, someone cannot have a relationship with someone he (Lancaster) really loves because he doesn't want to become an Army officer? Really? Seems weak. And she (Kerr) can't love anyone who isn't and Army officer? Really? The same holds true for the other "love affair". Donna loves Monty but there is also some contrived obstacle that makes it so their love can never be. Wow! All so melodramatic and petty. Frank is great though! The best reason to watch it is Frank.

suomalainen kaveri
Great movie and comeback for frank. Thanks to Ava Gardner for convincing the producer for considering him for this roll. They originally wanted Ella wallach, but cast him instead. After that he reinvented himself. Even fired his accountant. Wiped the slate clean to become mr Sinatra

Coiled Steel
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Even though i didn't like the ending, it was, like life, a mixture of good, and bad - but very realistic! SUPERB and timeless, character development and story!👍👍😀