Ronnie Williams
This is actually my favorite film of all time. I remember watching it when it was first released on VHS, which was right around the time my we got our first VCR. It was revolutionary. It was the 80's! A wonderful era and childhood I greatly miss. Anyway, this film is great and in my opinion it was expertly done. I'm not even a sci-fi fan, I find this to be more of a drama, or both. I'd be truly shocked if I knew just how many times I've watched this movie. It's like The Godfather or Scarface, it never gets old. If you haven't seen this you're in for a real treat! Enjoy.

Martin Guzman
It's this movie that got me instersted in the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment, it was something that I didn't know about before. This movie has action, mystery, and romance. The FX are amazing from that time too. I also like the score.