A Google user
I didn't like that there were practically 200 times where you thought something was going to happen and it was really nothing. I also didn't like that there wasn't any reasoning behind the spirits actually being malicious (or were they? I'm still confused) or looking like they could just have walked off the House on Haunted Hill set. Watch this if you're trying to ease yourself or a buddy into horror. Bottom line, it kind of sucks.

SB Stokes
OMG, what a waste of time. This movie was slow—super slow!—with almost no payoff at all. Main actress was not up to the standards of the rest of the cast, and it took SOOOO long to make any kind of expositional headway. Totally cheesy and nowhere near as good as it could have been. If you're going to make the audience wait nearly 40 minutes for anything to happen, it better be good! This film failed to deliver. I sincerely feel ripped off. Yuck!

Bryan King
This is a good ghost story. Why? because we establish everything we need to plus the feeling of being alone in a plausibly haunted hotel in the movie. We know the characters and feel them as humans. Then the scares are put in. It's the Spielberg of dealing with a subject in humanity and then putting it into a haunted house which works with The Conjuring as well. The hotel is closing these 20 somethings don't know what they're going to do after this. It's just as much about losing a job in your mid 20's than it is a haunted house. Both are scary. Sure it's not fast pace but I think that's why I liked it more. Ti keep making these movies. I will keep watching them.