FrankE Apples
Who Doesn't Like /Enjoy This Classic Cult Comedy's Of Any Gen- rations',Who Ever Went To College Or Going To 1 Now ,In '14 n Will !. They All [I'd Liked To Have Been In Delta House When I Was In College ,Yrs. Back ],Should Watch This Movie As A Credit Curriculum Course In All The Colleges .John Belushi Is The "All Time " Party King Host !..,The Scenes Are Hilar- ious ! Especially When The Horse Crooked In The Deans Office.. The Parade Scene ;Of Course The Togo Parties ! Plus The Music Tracks Were Great!

Nick Barnes
To a man...John Belushi, and a;"box office" movie house. I'm of the nature to necessitate a need of 140 thousand, changed 40% to adjusted 100 thousand if capable to homeland and allocation to paychecks systems of earnings. "Animal house...and its mysterious truths, not always comedy, but genrad to the aforementioned needs"; stated approximately 149.10 thousand, changed 40% to adjusted 100 thousand if capable to homeland and allocation to paychecks systems of earnings". -- Well done good man, great truths..
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