2012 • 96 minutes
1.09K reviews
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About this movie

In a world connected by Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, Miley Cyrus stars as a teen girl navigating through the peer pressures of high school romance and friendship while dodging her protective mother (Demi Moore), in a fresh coming-of-age comedy.

Ratings and reviews

1.09K reviews
Mandy Antle
April 28, 2018
I really don't understand why people write reviews for movies they haven't even seen! & why do people feel the need to criticize the actors not for their performances but because they just don't like them...I find this ironic as they don't even know them! Other than the half-truths & outright lies printed in the tabloids, we know nothing about these peoples personal lives! So, we should all write reviews on these movies based on their merit, or lack thereof, & the performances of the actors whether we like them or not. (& how you decide to dislike an actor is beyond me seeing as you don't know them, if you just don't like their acting, ok. But to trash them just to trash them...well, that's not cool. We are all entitled to our opinions, but why do they always seem to be so negative so often. If you don't like the movie, fine. A lot of others will agree w/you...BUT, in my opinion, not liking a movie doesn't give you the right to trash it or the people who worked so hard making it!
A Google user
August 16, 2012
This movie no matter what people say, was all around a perfect movie for everyone to see! It showed miley as a mature adult. Didnt think about her other work once. I am a big fan of miley cyrus and I cannot wait to see some of her future projects. miley cyrus not only brings great acting skills to the foreground but she is an outstanding actress. the only reason why the movie didnt do great in theaters because it wasn't in very little theatres! Good luck miley!
18 people found this review helpful
A Google user
August 8, 2012
As a woman I liked the movie because I could identify with Ann. I thought Demi Moore did a great job acting as always. As a parent she was a pushover and a bad example of, do as I say not as I do. There were some real touching scenes and some iffy one's throughout the movie. As far as Ann's relationships go, been there done that, got the t-shirt. The other teens in Lola's group were great. They did what a lot of teenagers do and that is, they act like teenagers with all the lies, fears, love, drugs, and challenges that a large number of teens go through everyday. As a parent is it scary? Yes. It showed a parent that wasn't involved in the life of her daughter. Who accepted whatever their child said as gospel. That is the wrong thing to do in my opinion. Be involved in the life of your children. Go to their teachers meet them all every quarter or semester. Meet the principle and the staff. Let them know who you are. If it embarrasses them too bad. Go to their school functions. Do what you have to do to keep them safe and out of trouble. TALK to your children about everything. Find out about their friends. Meet them. Listen to them too. You'll be surprised what you find out.
43 people found this review helpful