A Fantastic Woman

2017 • 103 minutes
36 reviews
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About this movie

Marina and Orlando are in love and planning their future, when one night Orlando suddenly falls ill and passes away. Instead of being able to mourn her lover, Marina is treated with suspicion by authorities and with disdain by his family. She is forbidden to attend his funeral and thrown out of the apartment they shared. Marina is a trans woman and for most of Orlando’s family, her sexual identity is a perversion. So she must battle the very same forces that she has spent a lifetime fighting just to become the woman she is now – a complex, strong, forthright and fantastic.

Ratings and reviews

36 reviews
Jeff Shellow
May 30, 2018
Watching now, the synopsis was too thoroughly written, just watch it 'blind' keep expectations at a baseline of amibient but not viewed thru a filter of biasis
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Coiled Steel
March 8, 2019
Everything wrong about our decadent, broken family, Westernized Feminist/Marxist dominated system countries, societies now that's about ready for a "resetting" of the societal "electrical breakers!"
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Veronika Fimbres
March 24, 2019
It describes and shows how cruel the deceased's loved ones can be! Unfortunately, a loved ones death brings out the worse in people. When my fiancé died in 1992, his family locked me out of the house, kept the things he had given me; his ex-wife even opened our joint bank account mail! They did have a daughter together! They sweated me and hounded me about his Mercedes Benz, which I was to give to them, and did, a week later. It was an emotionally difficult and painful time for me! 💔😭
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