Jeff Shellow
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Watching now, the synopsis was too thoroughly written, just watch it
'blind' keep expectations at a baseline of amibient but not viewed thru a
filter of biasis
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Coiled Steel
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Everything wrong about our decadent, broken family, Westernized Feminist/Marxist dominated system countries, societies now that's about ready for a "resetting" of the societal "electrical breakers!"
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Veronika Fimbres
It describes and shows how cruel the deceased's loved ones can be! Unfortunately, a loved ones death brings out the worse in people. When my fiancé died in 1992, his family locked me out of the house, kept the things he had given me; his ex-wife even opened our joint bank account mail! They did have a daughter together! They sweated me and hounded me about his Mercedes Benz, which I was to give to them, and did, a week later. It was an emotionally difficult and painful time for me! 💔😭