
2011 • 86 minutes
794 reviews
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About this movie

Kyle Kingson has it all - looks, intelligence, wealth and opportunity - and a wicked cruel streak. Prone to mocking and humiliating unattractive classmates, he zeroes in on Goth classmate Kendra, inviting her to the school's extravagant environmental bash. Kendra accepts and true to form, Kyle blows her off in a particularly savage fashion. She retaliates by casting a spell that physically transforms him into everything he despises. Enraged by his horrible and unrecognizable appearance he confronts Kendra and learns that the only solution to the curse is to find someone that will love him as he is -- a task he considers impossible. © 2011 CBS Films Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Ratings and reviews

794 reviews
Tookee Keyambo
September 16, 2014
Ok, so anyone who rents this now will probably expect a cliché and obvious plotline. However, that being said, the movie was still decent and entertaining. I enjoyed it and wouldn't mind watching it again at a later time.
12 people found this review helpful
Sean Ian
September 21, 2017
Such a cute movie based on a favorite book from my teen years. Some deviations from the book eliminate any tension from the movie, but it's still a delight.
A Google user
December 27, 2018
this movie, is my favorite of all. the spin off of Beauty and the Beast, is spot on. I myself am not beautiful on the outside but however am on the inside. I could watch this movie over an over again and never tire of it.
11 people found this review helpful