The Way We Were

1973 • 118 minutes
149 reviews
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About this movie

Set against the politicalism of pre-WWII and later McCarthyism, a diametrically opposed couple come together only to find that genuine friendship and physical attraction is not enough to overcome fundamental societal beliefs. The collapse of their relationship comes in tandem with her determination to speak to the House Un-American Acitvities Committee.

Ratings and reviews

149 reviews
Nicole Wade
December 27, 2020
My all time favorite love story. Redford and Streisand were phenomenal. It is finally in my library. For over 40 years I loved this movie. And, don't get me started on the award winning theme song. Her voice has always been awesome. Still love to hear her sing.
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Ariana Ramirez
August 18, 2016
Kinda disgusted this is considered a great love story. It's basically about this privileged guy who falls for an opinionated woman he can't have, and quite frankly doesn't deserve. She in turn turns herself into doormat for him. Great acting all around though, hence the second star.
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Lili Haney
May 9, 2015
Wow, wow, wow...what a movie. It's an everyday love story...meaning that this kind of love can happen to anybody. They love each other beyond measure but cannot stay together because of other pressures. I'm going to buy the movie. Loved it!!
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