Christopher C (Chris)
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While this movie gets filed under "the book is better", this isn't bad.
Bill Paxton (dearly missed) shines in the lead role as the upstanding small
town guy facing challenges to his predicament.

Sue Shea
Great movie! in my law and ethics class, taught my the asst atty general art the time, he made us watch this in class and write a paper on which character we connected with and what we would do in the situation. I think I may need TY rewatch the movie to see if my answer has changed. ;) That was back in 2002-03. so I'm sure a lot has changed for me since then with life experiences.

Reinoud van Laar
Im sure its a great film, but I cant watch it if the button's ghosted, can I? no user cues or anything... can you only watch in the US? who knows?