Red Riding Hood

2011 • 99 minutes
972 reviews
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About this movie

Valerie (Amanda Seyfried) is in love with a brooding outsider Peter (Shiloh Fernandez), but her parents have arranged for her to marry the wealthy Henry (Max Irons). Unwilling to lose each other, Valerie and Peter are planning to run away together when they learn that Valerie's older sister has been killed by the werewolf that prowls the dark forest surrounding their village. For years, the people have maintained an uneasy truce with the beast, but the wolf has upped the stakes by taking a human life. Hungry for revenge, the people call on famed werewolf hunter, Father Solomon (Gary Oldman), to help them kill the wolf. But Solomon's arrival brings unintended consequences as he warns that the wolf, who takes human form by day, could be any one of them. Panic grips the town as Valerie discovers that she has a unique connection to the beast-one that inexorably draws them together, making her both suspect...and bait.
MPAA Rating: PG-13 © 2011 Warner Bros. Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.

Ratings and reviews

972 reviews
kotori dickinson
November 3, 2018
Was a okay film but there was a lot of just thrown in clips at the end that made no sense. The characters were also hard to get attached too, I was also annoyed that the main characters didn't look to their jobs. Like the woodcutter isn't dirty at all or had any scaring from working in a job like a woodcutter. Though I really thought he was a blacksmith? But even then he didn't look it. Just thought that because you see him a couple times in a area that looked like a blacksmith shop. I did find it Funny how the main characters especially the "main Guys" looked clean even though one works in a job like woodcutting. Actually appeared like they bathed twice a week (though people barley bathed during that time) and I swear these guys have found hair gel during a, what appears to be medieval period. It's also crazy teen dramaish and screams Twilight. Overall not impressed, might as well have been a fanfic of the net.
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April 29, 2014
Yes i did like this movie and it was suspensefull at times. This film was nicely shot and was epic like! This is a movie worth watching. Virginia Madsen is an awesome actress i like the movies she plays in. Amanda Seyfried is a great new school actress and Gary Oldman is always a treat to watch.
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Pika Kill
March 8, 2018
There is a love story that resembles the twilight series but that's not what the biggest part of the story. The town of daggerhorn has had an uneasy truce with the wolf for 2 generations until he kills someone so the villagers call upon themselves and father Solomon of the church to hunt it
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