Rob Turner
I don't think it was good enough script for Greg kinnear! I guess the idea of it being a no fail film cause of the Christian community is appealing. This story and film was interesting and cute but it wasn't able to hold anyone's interest the 99 minutes. Wait until its on Netflix with the hundred other faith based films that are much more interesting and free.
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A Google user
I'm on a bad movie kick. Terrible films are metacomedies - that is, you watch them not for their intended purpose but for humor about its myriad failures. It's apoplectic theater, vicariously watching the anatomy of a film in its death throes. Unlike a Uwe Boll flick, this extinguishes any film flame you may have had for the week you watched it. The film itself is click bait for theists. Unless you're boring, skip it for a better bad film.
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Jared Rodriguez
I'm a Christian so I was somewhat exited for this movie; albeit I was somewhat apprehensive, as "Christian" movies can go either way. I must say, I was very disappointed and here are a few reasons why: the bad acting; the story, as cool as it may seem, was not executed well; and there wasn't a good Christian message as, at one part, a woman asked the pastor if her son was in heaven, and he basically "yes, because God loves him," as if, no matter what someone does, they're going to heaven. 1 star.
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