Chris Laney
Characters are goofy, and everyone seems to be a little incompetent. Throughout the movie the good guys have difficulties fighting the bad guys, but at the end they are able to take them down easily. All the plot holes and poor dialog aren't going to mean much to a ten year old though, and really, that's who comics are really for. Still I wish there was more diversity in the good guys, five muscular white guys take down a woman, and alligator man, a gorilla, and an old weirdo. At least put in Batgirl, Static, or Black Lightning, just to shake it up a little. So minus one star for lack of diversity, and minus one for charging so much, despite a weak plot. If it's going to cost less to make it should cost less to own.
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What DC lacks in live action films they make up in their animated division. As for a previous comment I've read no 10yr old is worried about diversity or any political theme people wish to bring to these rating comments. It's a cartoon aimed at people who enjoy comics in all aspects.
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Mark Bogard
The more things change, the more they stay the same. I did giggle at Croc's red shorts, though. And why the need for that metal jaw thingy? He has a massive bite going for him without it. All in all, nice job guys. Thanks for keeping the legends alive.
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