Dan Miller
It was playing of off unrealistic situations where women who have decided to devout their entire lives to God are portrayed as incredibly naive, which if you have ever gone to a monastery and talk with these kinds of people would find to be completely unrealistic. I'm not Catholic but the entire movie just felt like an attempt to mock and belittle the Catholic Church.
14 people found this review helpful

Dave Cohen
I expected a lot more from this movie given the great cast. Utimately, it's disappointing and not all that funny. Imagine a drawn out Monty Python sketch, and then take away the funny bits and you're left with this movie.

Triston Nason
This was not a funny movie, at best it was a look into the harsh life of nuns, like the last guy said, awkward sex scenes, slow, and to boot it was too dramatic, it should be re-done as an era-time drama