Kara “Deadname” Black
My wife loves horror films. I'm not such a fan, but this particular film didn't make her jump even once, and only made me jump a little bit. Let me reinforce the fact that I am quite easy to scare when it comes to horror films. The story could have been interesting, but all credibility is lost in the ending. At best, this movie has a creepy ambiance, but it in no way worth the $10 rental fee. Disappointing and pointless. That's all this movie is. Don't waste your money.
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Luke Rodriguez
Nicholas McCarthy is officially a genre staple. When I first watched The Pact a couple of years ago - I remember thinking that I hadn't felt that sort of suspense in a horror film in quite some time. McCarthy has returned with At the Devils Door, and that spirit of suspense is in tact. Possession movies are a dime a dozen these days, and never have been my favorite sub genre to begin with. Even the trailer had me strongly considering passing this one up.However, strong writing, acting, and camera work make this one a favorite of recent (even not so recent) memory. Do yourself a favor and check this one out.... then go back and watch The Pact as well in case you haven't.
3 people found this review helpful

Four stars, really? This was terrible. For $9.99 I should have been scared to death. And the ending? I thought no solid scares so far so the ending is going to have to be crazy. It was crazy alright. Crazy flat. Avoid at all cost.
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