Aaron Di Ilio
I'll be honest, I did not finish the film. I tried, I gave it my best effort (unlike the actors in this film) but I couldn't do it, i have seen many terrible movies from start to finish but I just couldn't with this one, it literally wasn't worth wasting more of my time. It gets a 1 star because zero stars isn't an option, so the 1 star could be earned because I used the time I didn't spend watching the end of this movie to go watch "possession" which was really good 4 star to that film.

Kevin Ceniceros
I'd give this five stars. However, there is one problem: the editing. In a scene the cop takes one of the survivors with her and gives him a few items. However, a moment later a backpack magically appears on his back. During the beginning of the shootout in the cemetery the dolly track is clearly visible. During the cemetery shootout extras can clearly be seen in the background randomly moving around as if they didn't know what the hell to do. In the cemetery shootout the guns magically change.

Thomas Johnson
this movie was shit, it doesn't even follow the game story-line. plus most of the effects and stunts are terrible.