David Gulland
Pretty okay, one of those horror movies (probably the entire series, ive only seen the first two as well as this one now) that'll be relatively mild until the ending. The story isn't super incredible or anything, but it seems like it could turn into something interesting? Im guessing not since the rotten tomatoes score for the 4th was surprisingly low. I can understand why, theyve sort of been recycling scares and it's overall pretty bland. If this story develops, I would be very interested, but it doesn't seem all too focused on it which is why i'm disappointed. They had some decent potential, and with a clever plot to keep our attention grabbed, I think this couldve been fantastic. But they didn't, and like I said before, I don't think they will. I might not give up on this series, not sure yet, but overall it seems like something that could be really fascinating with the style and the potential of the plot. But yea, in short just about this one: added some new details to the overarching plot (which is cool and all, but i wish theyd done it sooner rather than making six of these), the scares weren't really great, and overall just feels like a stepping stone
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A Google user
Decent movie. I like the franchise different concept on horror genre. Just hope it doesn't get dragged out like Friday the 13th., at done point it had to stop. They showed how it started an kinda ended. Part 4 showing the neighbors perspective. Should be the last...should be.

Michael Markert
Don't get me wrong, I love everyone of these films. I think there awsome. But I saw this and was disappointed. If you actually like this one, then you'll love the others even more.
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