Paranormal Activity

2009 • 86 minutes
1.31K reviews
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About this movie

You demanded it and now the surprise hit critics call "one of the scariest movies of all time"* can be experienced in the most terrifying place of all...your home. After a young, middle-class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly most active in the middle of the night. Especially while they sleep. Paranormal Activity builds suspense all the way to the shocking ending. Roger Ebert calls it "truly scary."** Go ahead, we dare you to watch it at least you can leave the lights on. * ** Roger Ebert,, CHICAGO SUN-TIMES

Ratings and reviews

1.31K reviews
Samuel B.
March 8, 2015
I thought I would like this movie because I loved the Blair witch project but this movie was just stupid, slow, and not scary except for the ending sceen. I just don't understand how some people can give this five stars because it is just a overhyped piece of crap and the Blair witch project was much scarier. I may check out the sequels but they may be just as bad. I'll wait and see.
6 people found this review helpful
stephen dykes
April 2, 2015
Sorry if this movie scared you like I've seen on some posts then you have no imagination what is scary about some trick photography come on & they made sequels I can't believe what some people will go and see, I think I laughed more than anything else, well other than fighting sleep yawn yawn yawn...
7 people found this review helpful
A Google user
October 21, 2012
These movies are ok not scary but ok leaves you wanting to know what's happening just like a thriller should I loved how it played together with all 4 if you didn't see the 4th yet wait till you see all 3 then it'll makes sense and if you see it at the movies stay because there's a clip at the end for a possible 5th I like the series not really scary at all but good story
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