Willie Singleton III
So, let me get this straight . . . . A bunch of you collectively lost ya'll freaking minds because this new Freddy molested the children sexually, instead of just outright torturing and killing them. Seriously? Then ya'll say is makeup is terrible, but have you seen a severely burned person? Pretty spot on. Then ya'll say there's no plot, and the the plot is a mess, but it's the EXACT SAME PLOT FROM THE FIRST EFFIN MOVIE. None of your complaints make one whit of sense. And I don't like the whole remake everything era. However, it's not just because a remake is even being made, what I hate is the remakes and turning it into a lame woke/feminism/diversity fest which has nothing to do with the originals. So, no, not every remake is just trash automatically upon it's conception. Some movies can do with a technological upgrade, and it would be nice to see some titles remade with the current CGI, animations, and makeup, and this remake was done well, stuck to the original material, besides the fact ya'll prefer kids getting mutilated instead of molested, and it was a lot less childish than what the old Nightmare on Elm Street eventually became. And here's a hint ya'll, you're not going to have the same feeling towards scary movies today as you did as a child, because you're an adult now. At least physically, if not mentally. The terror we felt from movies, now comes from bills.

A Google user
Okay, so Robert Englund wasn't Freddy. Now that we've covered that, this film did take the franchise back to being a dark, violent, twisted HORROR flick in which the last several COMEDIC MOCKERIES failed to deliver, i.e., Super Freddy, Nintendo-Glove Freddy. If you're gonna watch this expecting to see the original and a cameo with Englund, sure you're gonna be disappointed. If you're expecting a HORROR film with elements of the traditional franchise of fear-to-sleep-or-die, then this simply delivers.
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Damone Sims
While the movie wasn't perfect, I have to give it some credit. Replacing the comedic, campy take Robert Englund showed us, Jackie Earle Haley's adaptation of Freddy gave us the look and feel the original franchise sorely needed. A dark, twisted child murderer on a path a revenge who will forever be known as Freddy Kruger.
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