A Google user
What left me thinking has to do with the ending because you know how the guy and girl in the plane before dying saw some of the people from Final Destination the first one and then died. The African American guy had told the people from this movie that he had gone through seeing the other people from the other movies die one after another, but how is that possible of him seeing the others from the other movies die if the ones on this movie died before the ones from 2, 3 and 4. They should explain that.
22 people found this review helpful

A Google user
This movie is 10x more graphic than the others. This movie has alot of crazy deaths that actually are sometimes not expected. But, C'mon. After 4 movies you know the plot. You know the story. And you definitely know the layout of it all. But this movie throws in a new and unique way to cheat death. I went to see this movie in 3D on opening night, and this movie had me cowering in my seat, but leaving only wanting to see it again. I love it, and if your a big fan of the franchise, I think you'll love it too!

Jordan Earls
these movies are meant to be bad. that's what makes them funny. I mean the story's not bad but it does have bad acting and unrealistic death scenes but I think that's the point. it's not the fast and furious can actually do all the stuff they do in their movies. it's just Hollywood. they dont make money by putting realistic stuff in here. just enjoy.