I give Rodrick Rules a 7.9/10 Pros: it's about Rodrick, Chirag Gupta, the jokes are funny, it respects the original Source material, the talent show part, everytime Rodrick is on screen, the animated parts, Greg actually doesn't make me want to rip my eyes out like in some parts in the first movie, the party scene Cons: where's the girl that took photos in the first movie I really liked her, Rodrick Rules isn't the best film in the series stop saying that, scenes dragged on, underwhelming

Samuel Courliss
Greg is still hilarious. Rowley is as awkward as ever, and Devon Bostick is the perfect actor for the jerk brother Rodrick. Also, the story is interesting, with the two brothers using their smarts to fool their parents. But Holly Hills as a love interest is boring and strange. Greg does nothing but fawn over his new crush in this installment. But other than that, it's entertaining.
31 people found this review helpful

Jayden Roberts
People sometimes spend there money on something that doesn't even work.Sometimes you can't unstall it. The people that made it need to take it off because they don't know what they're doing.
16 people found this review helpful