Peter Johannes
Before you decide to be an idiot and pay for this movie, you need to know that it's a found footage film. If you don't like that, you probably won't enjoy this movie. As found footage movies go, this is one of the best ones. It's original. The effects are good. the characters are believable. The first review that shows up spoils the ending so I'm just gonna assume you saw that. It has the ending that most found footage movies have. You don't usually find footage of people who are still alive.

Was sitting close to the front and spent half the time looking down at my feet because the jittering around drove me nuts . Kept waiting for it to smooth out it, just seems like it never really did. I do have to admit though when I saw that creature it was just disturbing.. in an evil dark way for some reason. Not sure why.
4 people found this review helpful

Who cares
This kinda suck to see these childish reviews on here, but then again most of you probably aren't old enough to have actually seen it when it was one of the few good additions to the small group of found footage horror movies at the time before it became an unbearable and overused trope in modern media.