Roger Chong
I watched this because of the high marks from the critics. Boring... It's a crappy story line and feels like the critics are gushing over some technical merits of the film.

northland james
Southern female narrator with xylophone playing in the background tells me that this was a huge influence for True Romance, funny how Martin Sheen is just as irritating as Christian Slater is! Very “Americana” feel to it, reminded me of Five Easy Pieces for some reason.. You really can’t got wrong with Sissy Spacek, Her performance can always hold a film together or save it from a bore like Martin Sheen.

Nicole Libberton (Nikki)
this is a beautiful and compelling movie from start to finish. the cinematography and music are haunting, and the actors' performances are gut wrenchingly believable. a true take on twisted Americana, and a cinema classic. badlands holds up over time as a true marvel of storytelling, subtly shocking and visually serene.
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