Jarian Namriaf
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Cushing and Lee in the same movie this is sick. Two British heavy hitters such as this and both acclaimed actors. Haven't seen thus in a long while since the 70's and now it's the new 2000's. Though I am partial to Basil Rathbone the lead role, Cushing/Lee great. If memory serves, they both played Count Dracula as well not as well as Lugosi and no one ever will.

Gordon Chapman-Fox
This isn't the most faithful version of Hound of the Baskervilles, but it is the most fun. Hammer added 1950s gore and heaving bosoms, but the great combination of Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing elevate it. Absolutely great.

Paul Hayward
One of the finest duo's to grace the silver screen film is great also check out the version with greene as lord baskerville.so sorry forgot his first name but he was tvs robin hood in b&w