Eyeball Master
They played with the audience a little by going back and forward trying to keep us wondering, and for an instance eye didnt know which way the story would go, but in the end it went exactly where Eye predicted it would! And than it just ended, should have included a few more twists and turns! It was still a decent watch 👍.

Jodie Whiteley
It wasn't a bad movie, but it also wasn't anything to get all excited about either. It's like watching a Lifetime Channel movie on a lazy Sunday afternoon when u have nothing else to do. ● I will say the 1 thing that bothered me about this movie besides how somewhat predictable it was, was the writers laziness. The acting was great, the script threw in a couple of really good twists at the end that u didn't see coming, which could have really added to the movie, if he would have followed thru & finished his thought, rather than just hinting at a topic & then pretending like he never mentoned it. Also this all goes together, because it was all towards the end of the script, he ended the movie too abruptly. It felt like someone started writing a really suspenseful drama & they were over half way done...then they ran out of time so they just threw some dumb ending on that they wrote in like 5 minutes. Or they died & some other bad writer wrote an ending for their really good script & ruined it. Kinda disappointing since it really had a lot of potential & the lead actress was very convincing in her character. But the end fell short. 😧

Jay Bernunzio
I would have rather spent my time and money on a field trip to a land fill.. Bad plot and even worse ending. Trust me, Dont let a couple main stream actors and a decent trailer suck you into 90+ minutes of junk. I wish there was a refund button.