Vengeance: A Love Story

2017 • 99 minutes
100 reviews
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About this movie

On the Fourth of July, single mother Teena is brutally assaulted by a local gang in front of her 12-year-old daughter Bethie. Despite Bethie's ability to identify the perpetrators, the criminals hire a local hot-shot defense attorney who manipulates the law to their advantage, and they are set free. Gulf War veteran Officer John Dromoor, played by Nicolas Cage, is disgusted by the lack of justice and plots revenge against the men on Teena’s behalf.

Ratings and reviews

100 reviews
Mo K.
January 4, 2018
Part of the reason why I like this movie is for the fact it has Nicolas Cage in it. He is one of many Hollywood actors who I feel have gotten a raw deal in the industry. Nicolas Cage has gotten better with time and if really given the chance could make a really great film. He"s an "underdog" and knows it, which, is part of his charm. Liked the movie "Joe" a bit more, however, this movie is a decent watch.
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September 23, 2017
Borderline unwatchable. Nicolas Cage could still be a phenomenal actor. The scripts he chooses are as bad or worse than his dye job hair. Other than the little girl - casting is horrible. How do movies like this get made? Is it laundered drug money?
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Nic B
October 11, 2017
I am stunned at how awful this movie is!!!! I have 20 mins left and I am debating on whether to finish watching this movie. The acting is so bad and the story line boring and did I mention how awful all the acting is??!!!! Brutal
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