2008 • 88 minutes
126 reviews
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About this movie

A poor laborer father and his young son's lives are turned upside down when a fascinating and strange new pet enters their world. Amid the resulting comic mayhem, they ultimately learn a poignant lesson about the true nature of family and the things money can't buy. 2008 Star Overseas Production Limited. All Rights Reserved.

Ratings and reviews

126 reviews
d. chang
July 26, 2017
Google subtitles on this thing were jacked up. I turned them on, but the only thing that would display is the name of the character and some SFX notations like "[music playing]". Turned them off and they continued to display. The movie itself was not so great. The kid delivers an energetic performance, but the plot is schizophrenic and Mr. Chow (the father) comes off as impulsive and borderline abusive. Pretty much every other character is cursorily drawn and shallow as a puddle. Loved many of Stephen Chow's flicks but this one is a disappointment. Dubbed version -- meh.
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Marquis Gray
August 11, 2016
This practically pays homeage to e.t. but it doea ao many weird hilarious thongs and spins it on its head breakdance style.it also reflexes off of Stephen choqs earlier qork .For those who saw this would know what i mean.but it is a family film for all to enjoy now let's keep send Mr. Chow money to make more ridiculously. Funny movies
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sky daletski
May 29, 2014
This is an awesome hilarious movie! And the poop thing is so funny its hilarious, but I have to admit it is kind of gross. I loooooove this movie so who ever hates this movie is PATHETIC!
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