Nancy Drew (2007)

2007 • 99 minutes
218 reviews
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About this movie

With her magnifying glass and fingerprint powder in hand, Nancy Drew (Emma Roberts) leaves River Heights for La-La-Land. She's out to solve one of the greatest mysteries ever: the death of movie star Dehlia Draycott. But the bigger mystery is how our perky, plaid-clad sleuth will fit in with the text-messaging teen queens of mean she meets at Hollywood High. Join Nancy as she finds danger, mystery, adventure, romance, the coolest fashion and the hottest L.A. scenes. Because wherever Nancy goes, excitement still follows!

Ratings and reviews

218 reviews
Heather Grimley
March 1, 2014
It was scary at first but then I said to myself that it was jut projections one nice ghost and people. Then I wanted to read the books and find out if there were any other movies of her. Michael hill says that it is exciting and I agree. This movie is for 5 and up.
Finland 4Ever
March 28, 2020
Nancy Drew is overrated. Who wants to read a book or watch a movie about a female detective who gets kidnapped and knocked out with drugs by creeps?
Setnakt Spears
October 25, 2020
Awesome family movie, Emma Roberts is gorgeous and sexy as all hell as Nancy Drew, but very subdued and demure, so a good role model for young girls. The acting is good and the story fair, but Emma really makes the role feel real and makes this movie work.