Mark Carras
Of course many will compare this to Taken, but this is a perfect reason why indie sometimes is better. Taken was the polished Hollywood version. He Never Died adds a supernatural twist, with a comical delivery that only Hank Rollins can offer. This being listed as Horror is stupid. It's not a horror movie in any sense. It's a supernatural action adventure. The role seems almost like it was written for Henry Rollins. I laughed through the entire thing. This was way more funny than pretty much any comedy released in decades, but the delivery is so dry that it will go over most people's heads. This is the punk rock version of Taken. This is the smart person’s version of Taken. This is the more raw and brutal version of Taken. This is a much better version of Taken. The ending was strange, but if there is a sequel maybe they can answer the questions that are left. I must warn you that the ending leaves way more questions than anything. This movie seems like nothing but set up for a much bigger story. So this is one time where a sequel will be a good thing.
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Frank Emmons
Very dark story. I have always been a fan of Henry Rollins and upon seeing this movie I took a chance and was very pleased. Though it won't win any Oscars for acting, the story and how the supernatural elements were rendered nicely without being over the top. Without providing spoilers - I can say that the stories protagonist has at some time in the past decided to go the 'straight and narrow', retiring from a very long past with a macabre history. While following his daily rote of a simple and mundane existence, he is given an incentive to come back out of the closet and all the while raging against a very subtlety played ultimate authority figure.
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Matt “Savage Goatee” C.
First off, I'm a huge fan of Henry Rollins. But that aside, this move was great. Lately I've seen bad movie after another but it was nice to see one that was excellent all around.