Blake Hickey
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The Movie lacks key film design early on as it seems choppy and unfinished, but the movies story fixes all these problems. I also felt like these problems that the main character faces can also relate to high school students as well. This movie doesn't reflect a true everyday life of an eighth grader but comes close. If you are a parent, please note that half of the stuff that our main character faces, doesn't happen very often. Worth $15? I'd say so
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Snail Kun
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Literally horrible. I have no idea how this was listed as a comedy. Good if you want to "be accepting", "understand the difficult period as adolescence", or "spread a positive message." Even in those though its a snooze fest. Literally garbage as a comedy. Not funny at all. Maybe snickered once but that's it. Would rate 0 starts if I could. Heck, if I could I would go with -∞

Raymond Rivers
Cringey teen kid, this almost make me sleeping at the end video when she's talking lot while recording in youtube. It's not relates to anything reality or bullies either.