Jimmy Crackorn
Most of the informative parts were replaced with largely unrelated happenings, empty teen romance, an early and all too brief exposition dump, cheapened emotional appeals, and the dumbest and most useless application of Parkour I've ever seen - down to the completely pointless and plagiarized faux waterfall dive. The director tried too hard to be hip, edgy, compelling, and pack in all the elements. This movie was clearly forced to be something its not, and wasn't intended to be.
46 people found this review helpful

Deborah Jean Craig
Actually despite the less than 5* reviews I found this to be a fairly good movie. At first I was concerned that I had blown a few bucks but it picked up really well after a while so I am not disappointed whatsoever. The Chimera was an excellent addition and for those who love that lovable "pet" you will be pleased. This could have been a run of the mill SiFi so-so movie but it does pick up with the action and the "bad Aliens" were so super cool, LOL. All in all it was worth the money and the time spent watching it.
17 people found this review helpful

J-Y Lee
It could be a great movie... The concept was nice but the story didn't make much sense in general. For example, how the main character goes to meet the girl, after his guardian dies, at the rival guy's house, straight to the window area, then right after, while being pursued by cops, he and the girl go to school just to look at some meaningless photos... The characters were almost annoying... I give it an ok, but it is not far from 2/5... I hope the script was better written or the storyboard told a better story line while keeping some essential elements.