Justin Bieber: Never Say Never - Director's Fan Cut

2011 โ€ข 115 minutes
106 reviews
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About this movie

Justin Bieber's odds were a million to one, until millions of fans found him online. Now his world is yours with Never Say Never, the "riveting and inspiring" story of his journey from average teen to the youngest performer to sell out the most famous stage in New York City.

Ratings and reviews

106 reviews
Taylor Giaquinta
December 29, 2015
Reason why I like Justin Bieber cuz he prays and if you ever get the chance of the time sit down and listen to his prayer song is very sad every time out when I get upset I see him sing that songs in it cheers me up
Nelly Thom
July 10, 2016
Just, no. I couldn't make it through the first 3 minutes of the movie without wanting scratch my eyes out. Please, just don't watch it
28 people found this review helpful
Karly Mcilvaine
January 1, 2017
I love you justin drew bieber so much my name karly your bigest fan of all of them๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜
3 people found this review helpful