A Google user
Tom Cruise has done it again; he produced a bore-fest. The movie never really finds its rhythm. The payoffs for the failed attempts at intrigue (credit to Brad Bird) were lacking any type of style. Was it significantly better than than 2 and 3: Not much. Tolerable but nothing to rush to see. The film is filed with elementary-level suspense, gadgetry, villians and plot. The first mission impossible was great and the best. Done superbly. However, Tom Cruise is under impression that his success is due to his talent: an egregious mistake on his part. His ego is always on screen and Ethan Hunt never appears. His co-stars are a bunch of wannabes and unfortunately, they are just looking for break. After watching this film I undersand by directorr Joe Carnahan decided to depart: The IMF really isn't that special anymore.
13 people found this review helpful

A Google user
The movie was decent, but I wouldn't call it groundbreaking. I would have given it 4 stars had it not been for all the APPLE products shoved in your face. I'd call BMW the secondary offender, but they go WAY out of their way to promote apple in this movie. Appearing in this movie are an iPad "under-door cam", iPad driven hallway-sized display (don't ask), lots of Macbooks, dozens of iPhones... just sickeningly blatant advertizing. Real world products cease to be a environment enhancing elements when they are the only product of it's kind in the entire movie.
1 person found this review helpful

Milky Way Flea
Good guess, but...no. Nope, too bad. This is not a beautiful design. It shows that these scenes in this movie is terrible, disgusting, gross, stinky and ugly. Like inside the Pixar movies since 1986 of the creator by Brad Bird. My family can see "Transformers: Dark of the moon" to say $12.99 Buy HD on Google Play filmed summer 2011. I think Mission: Impossible is same thing as Transformers.
21 people found this review helpful