As far as I know, this is the first attempt to portray Jesus' ethnicity correctly. With the problem of "whitewashing" in films today, it's a refreshing take on the portrayal of the events that took place while Christ was on Earth. At first I wasn't sure if I would like the straight narrative but actually decided that I liked it better. It felt more like I was sitting and listening to John explain what he had witnessed personally as opposed to viewing a story with dialogue. The locations used also were well done along with the visuals. I would recommend this to anyone.

Jeremy Seifert
As a conservative bible-believing Christian, accurate portrayal and rendition of the biblical accounts is very important to me. That said, this may be the most accurate and faithful rendition I've seen to date. Not only that, but the cinematography is very well done as well. It's a little 'over dramatic' at a few points, but there are some REALLY well done scenes where foreshadowing is done visually, or when Jesus is telling the disciples he will send them the Holy Spirit, a parallel scene is shown of the day of Pentecost, which was well done and very sneaky (since that was not in John). The settings, shots, and overall production values are top-notch, and if I had to recommend a single historical recounting of biblical texts, this is most likely the one I'd choose. I've now added The Gospel of Mark to my 'must watch soon' list. Thanks for making this. Hopefully this raises the bar for other Christian productions.
18 people found this review helpful

There is a reason Jesus is called "Teacher". Watch and learn, then say a prayer to God thanking Him for sending His Beloved Son to save us from ourselves. Because we clearly dont deseve it. Watch and Live. This tells us how. God Bless ♡