Samuel Courliss
This may not be great filmmaking. But it is great, dumb fun. Yes, the movie would definitely go into the category of guilty pleasure. That's not to say it isn't good. The action sequences, while dumb and generic, manage to be funny and exciting. Tim Allen as Zoom gives his role a fresh and appealing presence, and the same goes to Chevy Chase as doctor Grant. Also, Concussion is great for a villian who's only in the movie for fifteen minutes. This movie won't go down in history, but it's fun to watch.
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Luis Cortes
The story had all the emotional beats in the script and an actor (Tim Allen) that can deliver, however for whatever reason they botched it by making it a "kid's movie" and not a movie kids can see. When that happens the quality of the movie suffers outstandingly. The acting becomes sub par and the reliance on "jokes" hinders the story progression, plus it makes it hard to connect with the child leads. Ultimately there was so much potential here, squandered.
24 people found this review helpful

Sylvester Fryson Jr
This was one of my favorite movies from my childhood, it's meant to be taken as a good family movie, not a full masterpiece but just right and memorable 👍🏿