Glenn Koster
Let me start by saying that the story line is an interesting premise, but very poorly written and executed. Nicholas Cage has fallen far indeed. The movie begins with nudity and drug use that is not needed, and does nothing for the story line. That should have been my first clue to how the movie would go. As far as the ending...... yes, it was different, but not unexpected given the clues leading up to it. There are a lot of parts of this movie that continue to drag on and on, leaving you to wonder if it will ever get to the point... and it never really does. About 3/4 of the way through the movie I realized that I did not want to finish it, but that I had to force myself to finish it all on account of the fact that I paid to rent this movie. I would not watch this movie again, and I would not recommend this movie to my friends.

Mike DeLoach
A semi-plausible tale that starts ambiguously and ends confused, this film was at best a halfhearted attempt at 'mental bubblegum'. The story line has some potential, and Frodo did a good job portraying conflicting emotions...but it seems like the director couldn't decide on which way to go with the tale. Both actors have much more ability than this script used. Where's the 'REFUND' button?

Cobaltace 62
I should have passed on it based on the other reviews. It had the potential to be a good movie, but failed miserably. Cage never looked so sleezy and I, the viewer felt he and Woods didn't really get into the characters. Left more questions than answers and overall, a very unsatisfying movie.