Ryan Orosz
Slow and melodramatic. It really wasn't that shocking u ntill they stripped that guy and split him in half at the end. Kurt Russel gave an average performance. The guy who played jack in lost was ok i guess. The movie had little to no music at all except at cinematic horse scenes. Captain Spalding was In the first cut scene which was lame. The story was super predictable. Download it dont pay money for even a rental
8 people found this review helpful

Angel Maurer
People liked it because of the violence. It was brutal. The script was awful. Great actors but they couldn't make it feel natural. One of the worst movies I've seen Kurt Russell in. I've seen this kind of thing before. People give good reviews for movies with really disturbing scenes/themes. If you don't get a kick out of violence I don't think there is much here for you.

Andrew Mask
Reading through the comments it seem like the haters of this movie either complain about it being slow or just say it sucks with no explanation. My personal opinion is this movie is well paced, with the so called boring parts showing the actors or the director setting up good dialogue or cinematography building tension and never going out cheap with jump scares. Although some parts may be hard to watch they are also nessassary to show just how dangerous this area can be.