Frozen Trip
I have no idea, why ANYBODY gave this movie over two stars. This movie plot has zero connection to the original plot, and the protagonist is in no way relatable to Bateman's cold mentality. The only connection this movie has to the original American Psycho, is the fact that it has "American Psycho" on the title and they mention "Patrick Bateman" just a couple of times in this film.
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Dakota Dare
American Psycho 2 is about Mila Kunis going to college killing her classmates. Kunis is supposedly a surviving victim of Patrick Bateman. The problem with this is *SPOILER ALERT* at the end of the original American Psycho it's revealed Patrick didn't kill anyone. *END OF SPOILER.* AP2 doesn't have any of the shock, dark comedy, or Bateman from the original, and is just a terrible movie. Avoid at all costs!
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This is a terrible way to continue a classic horror piece. I watched five minutes before the cringe made me change it. There is absolutely NO WAY IN HELL Patrick Bateman would be killed like that. (well in his mind at least.) It was horrific. It pissed me off to say in the lightest. This piece of garbage doesn't even connect with American psycho because if you watched it you'd know he's crazy. This was just a way to make money. To Whoever thought this movie was a good idea to mare such a masterpiece, die
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