A Google user
Terrible. No good dialogue. No real plot. No explanation of who anyone is other than a few cheap side-show type cons. I doubt the costume budget topped $100. No acting unless you count yelling random, unintelligible nonsense, unkind remarks and cursing as acting. If you want to watch stabbing, cutting and occasional unnecessary nudity with little else you might like this movie.

austin jerome
I really like how the whole thing felt like a actual game, like how the killers (each having something unique about them) were introduced like bosses to the protagonists then would later on show up. This movie isn't Rob Zombie's best work, but it's pretty far up there. People seem to be complaining about the plot and how they don't understand it. It's a game that takes place on Halloween, setup by bored wealthy people. Simple, but it works.

Daryn Wiseman
I would highly recommend Rob Zombie's latest film, "31." I've been a fan of Zombie's work as a filmmaker since his first & initial film "House of 1000 Corpses." I think it would be appropriate to estimate that "31" is a strong effort in terms of storytelling - much similar thematically to the origins of his first few efforts. And he managed to unite the aspects of the theme with the setups and imagery that was so often referenced and considered to be the best part of "The Lords of Salem" - mostly in terms of rich art direction and metaphorical leanings. Without making it seem as though Rob Zombie has changed his style, I don't think it would be a stretch to consider him to be capable of establishing a genre that lies beyond the boundaries of traditional horror. And "31" operates on several of those levels. I applaud Zombie's use of lighting, dialogue, pacing, & music in "31" as well. I feel he is continuing to provide special films that only he can produce -- and this one is surely a highlight, if not his best. Overall, it's fitting to classify "31" as an extremely exciting effort that manages to present within 90 minutes what we love most about Zombie's horror sensibilities.
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