The Frozen Ground

2013 โ€ข 105 minutes
289 reviews
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About this movie

"Frozen Ground" is inspired by the incredible true story that follows Alaskan State Trooper Jack Halcombe (Nicolas Cage) as he sets out to end the murderous rampage of Robert Hansen (John Cusack), a serial killer who has gone unnoticed for 13 years. As the bodies of street girls start to pile up in Anchorage, fear strikes a chord with the public. Risking his life, Halcombe goes on a personal manhunt to find the killer before the next body surfaces. When a seventeen year old escapee (Vanessa Hudgens) reveals key information about the case, Halcombe is finally on the trail of the killer. But will he catch him in time to save the next victim?

Ratings and reviews

289 reviews
Karan S
August 26, 2013
This is a good movie however it is a little dragged out. It has less about the killer Hansen but more about how the investigation actually started. I wud recommend watching it at least once.
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Danielle Cozine
May 22, 2017
This may be the only Nicholas Cage film I haven't laughed through in years. It was genuinely good, although Nick's acting it's usual standard. It's worth watching, at any rate.
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Michael Behan
August 5, 2017
I used to be a fan of John Cusack. After being blocked by John Cusack for having a difference of opinion it goes to show he doesn't want anyone supporting his work. I got the message loud and clear.
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