Fading Gigolo

2015 • 90 minutes
158 reviews
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About this movie

Murray (Woody Allen) talks his friend Fioravante (John Turturro) into becoming a gigolo as a way of making some much needed cash after an out-of-the-blue request from his dermatologist (Sharon Stone). With Murray acting as Fioravante's "manager," the duo quickly finds themselves caught up in the crosscurrents of love and money. Also stars Vanessa Paradis, Liev Schreiber and Sofía Vergara.

Ratings and reviews

158 reviews
Jeff Shellow
August 17, 2014
A) this isnt a typical Woody movie cause its a Turturro movie and 2) hang on ninty mins ;) okay then .. Ya definitely not WA movie doe allenesque but great cast and let's give john torturro his due! He has worked very hard and is very talented so i hope this is the first of many such projects.. l'chaim J 'lovits'
Jeremy Legaspi
August 28, 2014
Although its not written by Allen, Totorro did his best Allen impression. The movie is somewhat funny but I felt there were sections that must have been cut because the love store doesn't make sense.
Aaron Paxton
January 8, 2015
I watched this on the plane and almost made it through the entire movie. I couldn't though because it was too affected and lacking originality. I can't believe Woody Allen signed up for this. The whole concept is ridiculous to be honest. 2/5 and that's generous
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