Jeff Shellow
A) this isnt a typical Woody movie cause its a Turturro movie and 2) hang on ninty mins ;) okay then .. Ya definitely not WA movie doe allenesque but great cast and let's give john torturro his due! He has worked very hard and is very talented so i hope this is the first of many such projects.. l'chaim J 'lovits'

Jeremy Legaspi
Although its not written by Allen, Totorro did his best Allen impression. The movie is somewhat funny but I felt there were sections that must have been cut because the love store doesn't make sense.

Aaron Paxton
I watched this on the plane and almost made it through the entire movie. I couldn't though because it was too affected and lacking originality. I can't believe Woody Allen signed up for this. The whole concept is ridiculous to be honest. 2/5 and that's generous
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