Sambath Pech
I rarely write movie reviews - EVER! And I'm pretty LENIENT when I rate stars - for instance, everyone thinks Paul Blart's Mall Cop 2 was a bad movie, but even I thought that was entertaining. But this movie was so BAD, that I had to interject so you don't waste your money. I only watched 80% of the movie and it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to force myself to watch it that far. I watched 80% of the movie, and that first 80% of movie, literally only 5% of the movie's conent had anything to do with the movie! The other 90% or so, is just RANDOM dumb non-funny events/things thrown into the movie just to fill in the video reel....wasting everyone's time!

anna fockler
We rented this and into the first few minutes knew it should have reflected an R-rating. Never saw a single rating and any clue of lanquage or sex scene in the trailer. Glad my grand-kids was not here. I have asked for a return of the rental fee. Again check for a RATING before renting.
15 people found this review helpful

Margaret C
This movie was freakin' hilarious, I love it! It''s supposed to be corny, that's the charm of it. If you were expecting an Oscar winning film you're sorely mistaken. Just go with it! A must watch if you need a good laugh. I'd give it more stars if I could.
37 people found this review helpful