Abigail Chase
From beginning to end this felt like a very different way to tell a story because everything is happening in the NOW. Not a lot of back story because it's all about the stakes of the moment - when they come back together - are forced to face each other - talk to each other - touch each other. I didn't care much about what had come before, but I certainly hoped for what would come after. I, like the director in the film, will always be on the sidelines rooting for true love to win out.

Dreama Boston
For me, this movie captured what it's like to fall in love, be in love and yet fight it because there are obstacles to overcome (okay usually we are our own obstacle). I love how raw the actors emotions were and the chemistry between Zoe & Mal is terrific. Marina never let's us down with her knack for choosing actresses with mad chemistry! It's the connection between Zoe & Mal that pulls us all in and "connects" each of us. Anatomy of a Love Seen reminded me that yes love is messy.... but so worth it!
23 people found this review helpful

Jane Crane
This sensual, real, heartfelt film is one to watch. The acting is spot on. I felt like I had entered a film set and watched a truthful but difficult love story unfold before my eyes. It is unique in the best sense of the word. Sexy ladies are an added plus.