Emma Thomas
The best movie ever the first time I saw i was 4 but now I've been dieing to get it on my phone get the movie you will enjoy it no matter how old you are ask your parents to buy it and show you trust me you will love it I always did not like the ending because it's just to sad to see Em and Richard die I've been wishing they can change the end to a good ending and not have them die I always have a dream that I was one of Em's and Richard ' s kid and we live there I love those dreams
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greentea momma73
I love this coming of age movie, but I'm fed up with Google and their high prices on older movies. Its only because they know those are the ones people want and it bites. One more thing about the movie I wish we could know what happened to Emeline, Richard and Paddy after they returned to San Francisco? Did they stay together, did Richard's dad separate them because he knew what they had done was wrong? Did they all run away and try too go back to paradise? Just want to know, guess I should read the book
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