John Coryat
This movie is not worth the $1.99 I paid to watch it. The pace is slow, the action predicable and the acting is less than mediocre. Bruce Willis is part of the movie just to sell tickets. Poor Bruce should retire from the acting gig as he's just not up to the task anymore. I didn't watch the movie to the end. After about an hour, I didn't care how it ended as long as it was over.

Chris Naegele
This is the worst movie of all time.. Don't waste the money folks.. Heck I watched the whole movie on YouTube for free and it was still a waste of time.
5 people found this review helpful

Tim Nagle
Just wow. Where to start? Curtis Jackson? Impeccable. Bruce Willis? Take a seat brave heart. Never have I ever seen a movie that portrays the struggles of Grand rapids, MI in a more real portrayal. No plot holes and very cohesive story telling. 11/10 would watch again