The movie was definitely good. The three way sword fight, the locations and humor were good aspects of the movie but it was Davy Jones that definitely was the best part, easily one of the best villains in the 2000s. There are some set backs with this movie that I had issues with. There were some dark scenes I didn't think we're nessacary to show, the island with the cannibals felt like a time waster and there were no good cannon fights. Despite all this, it was definitely a good movie.
52 people found this review helpful

Sam Rothermel
The more I see this movie the more I enjoy it. I really didn't think it was better than the original the first time I saw it, but it definitely grows on you. The effects are simply jaw-dropping, it is actually funnier than the first movie despite it being the 'Empire' of the Pirates trilogy, and it brings to life the old Disney sea monster in an actual true and incredibly fun way.
34 people found this review helpful

Brett Mcbride
Gr8 Art. Full of subliminal metaphor that will give those with a mind some powerful philosophical revaluation. The whole series is about the secret wisdom of the Pieces Avatar. Without trying to be a bossy boss a pieces lead can get more done with a group of special intellectual misfits.