Felipe Pubillones
Let me start of by saying I am NOT a fan of Damian Wayne. The character is such a pain, he's a disgrace to the Robin title. In this movie, he's very one essential. Having Starfire as leader of the Titans goes against established canon of Raven having pulled the team together for the sole purpose of fighting Trigon in the future. This movie in essence tries to both be a new generation of Titans while simultaneously rewriting the origin story of the team. Finally seeing the Hall of Justice be represented again was something long overdue. It's such a classic, it needs more respect. Overall, the movie was pretty damn good. The title is horribly misleading though, there is no versus here. Having THREE league members become possessed doesn't turn this into a League vs Titans concept. This movie is very much a sped up Titans origin story retelling/revamp. Beast Boy saying boo-yeah was a nice through back to how he and Cyborg would do so in the cartoon series. They could have had Cyborg mention how he was a Titan before moving to the League when he went with them to help Raven entrap Trigon again.
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Lee “NotLeeRoss” Ross
Voice acting was horrible.. Typical story except a huge focus on the spoiled brat, Robin. Seriously, he flys the Batwing, armed with a nuclear warhead, into their nemeses. After landing, he scolds the JL on how incompetent they are. Superman should've stuck his hand down his throat and pulled up his feet.

Pretty good movie. I think PG-13 is pushing it a little bit. Borderline nudity, language, and the fact that the main villain is Satan might be too much for kids who are expecting something more along the lines of the Young Justice and Teen Titans animated shows.