Alaina Callahan
I rented this movie because I wanted to see Sullivan Stapleton's performance. I wasn't looking forward to a dark show with such morbid content. Mr. Stapleton's time on screen was very limited but, as usual, his talent is obvious. I did enjoy the movie but (SPOILER ALERT) they should have killed off Pope long before he died. I kept finding myself wishing the story line was different and hoping I had written the script myself because the movie would have been better.

Michael Day
4.5 stars... Should be 5 really but... You know... Just not quite there all the way, why be too generous! But am excellent movie... Great crime lore, a tale to be told, watched, and enjoyed by all... High 5 to the director and the stars, and a great movie worthy of accolades

Auntie Mim (Mimlo)
Complex plot about a family of criminals, and a young man caught in the middle of them, well-acted by all, very believable characters. Esp. cold-hearted, two-faced Grandma, played amazingly by Jacki Weaver. Guy Pearce as the rare decent cop amongst his duplicitous (unknown to him?) crew, subtly good, as always. Handy to use subtitles, as the Aussie English sometimes incomprehensible for us Yanks! It is quite sad and depressing, though, def not a "feel-good" story, but worth watching.