
2008 • 142 minutes
339 reviews
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About this movie

Clint Eastwood directs Oscar winner Angelina Jolie and Oscar nominee John Malkovich in an unforgettable true story about a mother missing son and her relentless quest for the truth.

Ratings and reviews

339 reviews
Dan Dr Clean Reiner
November 29, 2021
Great stories always explain Ecclesiastes 8 verse 9 man will dominate man and woman to their injury. One of the best thrillers. Just below spotlight yes Spotlight on my list
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David Drouin
May 21, 2013
A remake of the original film from the 40-50's(?) Was good then but having seen the original one knows the final outcome and the "popular corrupt L.A. police Dept.results for this film.
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Rae Duat
March 24, 2015
Christine Collins, unfortunately, never knew the true outcome of her son's disappearance. Though he was indeed presumed dead and most likely his bones were amongst those found at the ranch, Christine passed away on Oct. 11, 1985. She was 94. Its my belief that Walter was gunned down by Northcott the night Walter and the other boys had escaped from the coop on the ranch. Back then DNA testing wasn't invented until the early 80's but even so it wasn't efficient. R.I.P. Collins' Family. :(
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