Casey “Case” Palmer
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When I bought the sixteenth season and tried to play it the shows wouldn't
play back correctly, It only played audio. I tried to self fix the problem
but it didn't even help and when I asked to be refunded for the defective
season which I am still within the refund time zone for defective TV shows
and movies, They've refused to refind me for selling defective TV seasons.
I certainly will not buy from Google again. I will use Microsoft or Sony.
39 people found this review helpful

Emma Lin
Initially, I loved it, but after watching recent seasons of it and reading the scathing reviews about the newest episodes, I realized that this show has gone to Davy Jones' Locker and won't stop. The characters have become unlikeable and a former shell of themselves and the plot elements are ludicrous and mean-spirited. What used to be a kid-friendly show, became a never-ending underwater nightmare for parents alike.

Kit H
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If I were just rating the first three seasons (ending with episode 9 of Volume 5 in Google TV,) I would give it five stars. The seasons from 4 and on just... suck. After Hillenburg left, the writers just couldn't keep the wit or character of the original show. The jokes are thrown in your face, the characters are all mean, and the plots are rushed.